News - Do you know what are the treatment methods for rusty steel plate?


Do you know what are the treatment methods for rusty steel plate?

Steel plate is also extremely easy to rust after a long period of time, not only affects the beauty, but also affects the price of steel plate. Especially do laser on the plate surface requirements are quite strict, as long as there are rust spots can not be produced, the case of broken knives, the plate surface is not flat easy to hit the laser cutting head. So what should we do with the rusty steel plate?

1. Primitive manual descaling
The so-called primitive descaling is to borrow manpower to descale manually. This is a long and hard process. Although the process can be used in the shovel, hand hammer and other tools, but the effect of rust removal is really not ideal. Unless localized small area rust removal and in the absence of other options to use this method, other cases are not recommended.

2. Power tool rust removal
Power tool descaling refers to the use of compressed air or the use of electrical energy-driven methods, so that the descaling tool to produce circular or reciprocating motion. When in contact with the surface of the steel plate, use its friction and impact to remove rust, oxidized skin and so on. The descaling efficiency and quality of the power tool is the commonly used descaling method in general painting projects at present.

When encountering rainy, snowy, foggy or humid weather, the steel surface should be covered with primer to prevent rust return. If the rust has returned before the primer is applied, the rust should be removed again and the primer should be applied in time.
3. Rust removal by blasting
Jet descaling refers to the use of the impeller center of the jet machine to inhale the abrasive and the tip of the blade to eject the abrasive to achieve high-speed impact and increase the friction to carry out the descaling of the steel plate.

4. Spray descaling
Spray descaling method is the use of compressed air will be abrasive at high speed rotation sprayed to the surface of the steel plate, and through the abrasive impact and friction to remove the oxide skin, rust and dirt, so that the surface of the steel plate to obtain a certain degree of roughness, is conducive to enhancing the adhesion of the paint film.

5. Chemical descaling
Chemical descaling can also be called pickling descaling. Through the use of pickling solution in the acid and metal oxides reaction, dissolve the metal oxides, in order to remove the steel surface oxides and rust.

There are two general pickling methods: ordinary pickling and comprehensive pickling. After pickling, it is easy to be oxidized by air, and must be passivated to improve its rust resistance.

Passivation treatment refers to the steel plate after pickling, in order to extend its time back to the rust, a means used in order to form a protective film on the surface of the steel, so as to improve its rustproof performance.

According to the specific construction conditions, different treatment methods can be used. Generally steel plate should be rinsed with hot water to neutral immediately after pickling, and then passivated. In addition, steel can also be cleaned with water immediately after pickling, and then add 5% sodium carbonate solution to neutralize the alkaline solution with water, and finally passivation treatment.

6. Flame descaling
Flame descaling of steel plate refers to the use of steel wire brush to remove the rust attached to the surface of the steel plate after heating after the flame heating operation. Before removing rust from the surface of the steel plate, the thicker rust layer attached to the surface of the steel plate should be removed before removing rust by flame heating.

Post time: Sep-19-2024

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